The Green Room: Nature, Culture, Politics
This seminar series gathers researchers from the social sciences and humanities who share an interest in critical research on environment and nature. Themes include politics and the political; analysis of power relations; ideas, norms and values; knowledge and knowing; justice and distribution; and visions and utopian thinking. The activities range from discussions of texts in progress, to workshops on theory and methods, communal readings of articles, and conversations about recent academic trends and popular concepts.
Past events
JunDiscussion of Elizabeth Povinelli’s (2021) Between Gaia and Ground: Four Axioms of Existence and the Ancestral Catastrophe of Late Liberalism
The Green Room
JunThinking Algorithmically: The Making of Hegemonic Knowledge in Climate Governance
The Green Room
MayExperiencing Inner Dimensions of Personal Sustainability Transformations
The Green Room
MayLocal Solar Energy Communities: A Way Towards Strengthened Energy Democracy?
The Green Room
AprTransitioning Towns? The Role of Place in the Politics of Fossil Freedom
The Green Room
MarImplementing the 2030 Agenda and Paris Climate Agreement: Drivers, Barriers, and Transformative Potential
The Green Room
MarThe Political Aesthetics of the Fridays for Future Movement
The Green Room
FebThe Legitimation Crisis of Democracy
The Green Room
DecThe Trouble with Our Times…
The Green Room
DecArtificial Intelligence and Agenda 2030
The Green Room