On April 1st, 2020, program period two of The Seed Box was launched and there are a large number of exciting projects underway in the continuation of the project. Here is a selection of publications from researchers within the different projects so far.
Fredengren, C. & Karlsson, J. 2020. “Mossberga Mosse: Excavating the Archives and Tracing Museum Ecologies. Journal of Wetland Archaeology”
Franzén, conference paper för RSA Virtual 2021. “She Preferred the Condition of Sheep to that of Humans—On Antoinette Deshoulières’ Naturalism”
Olsson, Jesper (fc.). “Shifting Scales, Inventive Intermediations: Posthuman Ecologies in Contemporary Poetry”
Haikola, S., Anshelm, J., Hansson, A. Limits to climate action – Narratives of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage. Submitted to: Political Geography.
Niskanen, McLaren and Anshelm. Repair for a Broken Economy: Lessons for Circular Economy from an International Interview Study of Repairers. Published in Sustainablility.
Haikola, S., Anshelm, J., Fridahl, M., Hansson, A. Boundary work and interpretations in the IPCC review process of the role of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) in limiting global warming to 1.5°C. Accepted in Frontiers.
Marietta Randomska, Cecilia Åsberg. Fathoming postnatural oceans: Towards a low trophic theory in the practices of feminist posthumanities. Published in Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.
Marietta Randomska, Cecilia Åsberg. Book chapter “Environmental Violence and Postnatural Oceans: Low-Trophic Theory in the Registers of Feminist Posthumanities”. Marietta talks about the chapter in this video.
Radomska, Marietta, Lykke, Nina. What do we talk about when we talk about queer death? Theories and definitions
Katja Aglert writes in relation to her artistic research with lecture performance, more-than-human storytelling, Glissant’s archipelagic thinking, exploration of the potential of the footnote, and more: “Archipelagic Rehearsals” – Attemptive Thinking Through Practicing Textual Artistic Research.