Victoria Wibeck

Victoria Wibeck is professor of Environmental Change and at the Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research at Linköping University. She is Program Director of The Seed Box. She also conducts research in Seed Box projects Ontological security in a transforming world and Making sense of environmental change: Communicative approaches to environmental humanities and citizen engagement.

Victoria Wibeck has a PhD in communication studies. Her research focuses on visualization and communication of climate change and other environmental challenges, sense-making of societal transformations towards sustainability, and development of qualitative methods for cross-country sense-making analysis. She is particularly interested in the role of linguistic resources (e.g., metaphors, analogies, story-telling), as well as visualization and imagery, for sense-making of environmental change. Victoria Wibeck is co-author of the monograph Sustainability Transformations: Agents and Drivers across Societies (Cambridge University Press, 2019). She has led a number of research projects, including two cross-country focus group studies including Cabo Verde, China, Fiji, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, and USA.