Carin Franzén

Project Leader Freethinking, Hesitation, Weirdness: Reconsidering the Anthropocene through History, Literature, and Art.

Carin Franzén is a researcher in Comparative Literature at Stockholm University where she leads the research project Another Humanism. Gendering Early Modern Libertinism. Between 2006 and 2019 she worked as Senior Lecturer and Professor at Linköping University. Her research explores the relations between formations of subjectivity and cultural hegemonies. She has published various articles on subjectivity in literature from both modern and early modern periods, such as “Subjects of Sovereign Control and the Art of Critique in the Early Modern Period”, Control Culture: Foucault and Deleuze after Discipline (2018) and ”Lacan and the Archeology of the Subject”, Analysing the Cultural Unconscious: Science of the Signifier (2020). Her latest book is När vi talar om oss själva. Nedslag i subjektivitetens historia från Montaigne till Norén (2018). She is a member of the editorial board of Divan, a journal for culture and psychoanalysis.