The Seed Box and the research environment Language and Culture at IKK invites to an afternoon of dedicated to questions of general ecology, cognitive assemblages, cyberniticization, and environmentality.
N. Katherine Hayles: “Three Challenges: Toward a General Ecology of Cognitive Assemblages”.
Erich Hörl: ”Critique of Environmentality”
After the lectures, a conversation between Hayles and Hörl will ensue. There will also be a Q&A-session with the audience.

N. Katherine Hayles webpage

N. Katherine Hayles on Wikipedia.

Since 2014 Erich Hörl is full professor of Media Culture at the Leuphana University Lüneburg. He is also a senior researcher at Leuphana’s Digital Cultures Research Lab (DCRL). Prior to this, he was professor of Media Technology and Media Philosophy at the Ruhr-University Bochum, where he was the head of the ‘Bochumer Kolloquium Medienwissenschaft’ (bkm).

Currently, he is working on a general ecology of media and technology as well as on a critique of the processes of cybernetisation of every form of life and every mode of existence, focussing on a historical-systematic outlining of a technoecology of participation. He publishes internationally on the history as well as the problems and challenges of the contemporary technological condition.

Read more on Erich´s webpage.