
Seed Box researchers Carin Franzén, Sven Anders Johansson and Jesper Olsson published in Glänta. In the issue, the participants reveal their very best methods.

The latest issue of “Glänta” not only instructs in methods for groping, digging, weaving, using the objectivity of poetry and being sooo ironic. We have also asked ten people to describe their very best method: to mourn, to stage their own death, to write true-true, to see with closed eyes, to live with pain, to deceive oneself, to empty the bowels, etc.

Participating are researchers from Seed Box project Freethinking, Hesitation, Weirdness: Reconsidering the Anthropocene through History, Literature, and Art, Carin Franzén, Sven Anders Johansson and Jesper Olsson.

Read more here (Swedish).