About Us

The capacity building efforts in The Seed Box will largely be carried out by the program consortium.

From one perspective, as the program at an overall level is directed at developing The Seed Box as a Linköping University based node, the consortium partners could be seen as contributing to this end with their strengths and intellectual resources. At the same time, forming a consortium is of course to the benefit of all partners, as it strengthens the channels for collaboration, and strengthens the presence of Environmental Humanities throughout the consortium, in the form of postdocs, events, and through opportunities for staff mobility. In brief, the consortium will collaborate on four capacity building schemes:

1) A coordinated, consortium-wide events program including workshops, symposia, exhibitions or conferences carried out at the different consortium partners.

2) A residency program for consortium-based researchers and artists visiting the The Seed Box node at Linköping University.

3) A mentored postdoc program – Seed Box will be the platform for three consortium based postdoc positions, and three postdoc positions at Linköping University. Environmental Humanities is still an emerging field of inquiry, often venturing beyond established disciplinary channels. Against this background, The Seed Box postdocs will participate in a mentoring program which support their abilities to navigate within the field, e.g. in terms of publication strategies, academic and creative writing, artistic practice, and leadership in a transdisciplinary context.

4) A networking scheme for the consortium partners to share announcements, invitations and spreading of results, through the Seed Box digital platform. In the second phase of The Seed Box, capacity building work will be carried out by 14 partners, including Linköping University.

Consortium partners

Linköping University (Sweden)

The University of Sydney (Australia)

Kunsthall Trondheim (Norway)

Royal Institute of Art (Kungliga Konsthögskolan) (Sweden)

University of Cape Town (South Africa)

Stockholm University (Sweden)

Mid Sweden University

KTH (Stockholm).

Uppsala University

Western Sydney University (Australia).

The University of Western Australia (Australia)

Goldsmiths University UK

Queens University (Canada)

University of Texas,  (USA)